I worked the Fresno Cycling Club's Kirch Flat Century this year after a one-year hiatus. I missed it last year to attend my Aunt's 100th birthday party. I last worked this ride in 2013 and a short write-up
can be found HERE.
There were some changes for 2015, including some additional routes. This ride is designed by the Fresno Cycling Club as an all-ages, all-abilities, membership drive ride. As such, they try to have a route for everyone, including a flat 15 mile route, an all flat half metric, flat and hilly metric routes, and flat and hilly full century routes.
While this many options is great for the cyclists to find that right ride for them, it can turn into a logistical nightmare for the SAG as riders are literally going in six different directions. Since most of the riders are local, and they're on local roads that they know, it's not uncommon for them to make their own revisions to the routes during the day depending on how they're feeling. But, at the end of the day, all of the riders make it to the end for a barbeque with friends.
This year, the weather was great and everyone made it back with virtually no problems to speak of.
Kevin's Honda ST1300 MotoSAG in an orange grove west of Orange Cove, CA. |
Part of the Century route along Adams Avenue at Wakefield Avenue, west of Orange Cove, CA. View east. |
Part of the Century route along Adams Avenue at Wakefield Avenue, west of Orange Cove, CA. View west. |
The last of the Century riders turn onto Park Avenue from Hills Valley Road (State Route 63) headed into Orange Cove, CA. Easily the worst stretch of road on the entire course. View east. |
The last of the Century riders turn onto Park Avenue from Hills Valley Road (State Route 63) headed into Orange Cove, CA. View east. |
Fresno Cycling Club President Dennis Ball (sporting the full Fresno Cycling Club kit) escorts the last riders around the Century course.
The 15 mile Family route. |
The Half Metric route. |
The Flat Metric route. |
The Flat Metric route. |
The Flat Metric route. |
The Flat Metric route. |
Ride Flyer |
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