By Paula Landis
Jon Mergan snaps a photo at the Shaver Lake Rest Stop
with his special mounted video camera. |
The volunteer participation in the 34th annual Climb to Kaiser bicycle ride was something to be proud of. Twenty-three people turned out to assist with SAG, 10 motorcycles and 13 vehicles. Well over half of the SAG drivers were CVBR members.
SAG drivers started work at 5:30 am and many were still going strong at 10 that evening. Besides all the help, the BMW riders showed off their ingenuity. Check out the custom racks that Kent Baucher and Terry Mergan built to haul cycling supplies (page 2).
Following are some thoughts from a few of the SAG drivers.
Ralph Tonseth: I volunteered to work the "late shift" (1PM to 10:30PM) with my pickup truck to assist riders who were beginning to realize, or had already confronted, the enormity of the task they had undertaken. As near as I can tell only Bruce Butterfield, Rodger Wagner and I had brought trucks to the event. Bruce had been tasked with hauling supplies and equipment for the rest stop personnel. There were, however, several cars and SUV's (all environmentally friendly) from the cycling club also present on the circuit.